The Abbotts Kitchen, Glastonbury Abbey, Somerset

- Client: The Trustees of Glastonbury Abbey
- Architects: Thomas Architects
With the assistance of English Heritage Funding the Trustees of Glastonbury Abbey required full access to the internal and external surfaces of the Abbotts Kitchen for restoration of the stonework and roofs, whilst ensuring that the historically important surfaces remained intact. Montana was presented with the tender package with an outline design for the scaffolding required with the Pre-Construction Health and Safety Package. Due to the significant design requirement Montana liaised directly with the Designers to ensure that the end design was suitable for the purpose protecting the Historic Building from damage. A full Site Health and Safety package was presented for approval by the CDMC, Architect and Client before commencement on of the construction phase on site. Montana took on the contract direct with the Client rather than as employed by the Principal Contractor due to the specialist nature of the works. The Montana Team was led by Advanced Scaffolders/SSSTS Supervisors who could interpret and apply the design in line with legislation, with the full back up of our Management Team who ensure the resources were available to keep the build flowing and works were undertaken in accordance with the Safe Systems of work in order to comply with legislation and NASC guidance. The Project had to meet deadlines for completion in order to receive the Heritage funding. In addition to the Abbotts Kitchen we also simultaneously erected the scaffolding to the first stage of the North Aisle both internally and externally for another Principal Contractor.