BT CTE, Marsh Street, Bristol

- Client: British Telecom
- Principal Contractor: Concrete Repairs Ltd
Montana were appointed by Concrete Repairs limited after a number of meetings on site to gauge the exact requirement based upon the need to work around BT who were using the building, service yards and car parks constantly. We had to provide a package of designed scaffolds which were both cost effective and considerate of the need for access by BT Staff on a daily basis. The scaffolding was delivered to site on drop bed vehicles and flat beds dependent on the storage space available in the area of the install. Each structure was erected in accordance with an agreed programme allowing CRL to coordinate with BT to temporary close areas in turn. All our Team were complimented on their Safety performance and package provided to site. We went on to undertake further works for CRL including confined space works to the River Frome Culvert under Bristol City Centre to enable repairs to concrete beams and columns below street level.